Connecting antiauthoritarian struggles
The world is burning. War, crisis, and capitalism have been steering towards the collapse of civilization for decades. Climate change is destroying the livelihood of millions of people. The signs are unmistakable. And although solutions are known, the system stands in the way of a future based on solidarity and a society oriented around human needs, one that lets us live as equals among equals and puts an end to the exploitation of the planet.
We still believe: Our path to a world of solidarity is antiauthoritarianism, an idea that has always made the ruling classes tremble in fear. It is therefore subjected to slander and strong opposition. Nevertheless, people around the world have internalized the dream of an egalitarian world without exploitation and have never given up. We are many, but isolated, acting locally and often uncoordinated. Time to change that!
From October 31st to November 3rd, 2024, the re:FUSE Congress will take place in Hamburg. The networking congress aims to bring together anarchist and antiauthoritarian groups as well as individuals. Together, we want to discuss, exchange ideas, and get to know each other. At the same time, through lectures and workshops, we will address various topics that concern us in the anarchist movement: Events will be held around the four main themes "Internationalism", "Together Against Oppression", "Climate Justice", and "Class Struggles". In addition, there will be a program featuring various events and cultural activities.
Focus Program
The fight for liberation is international! We are very excited to learn about various struggles of our international comrades in our Internationalism track. Among other things, we will hear lectures on feminist struggles in Iran and on conscientious objection in Israel. We will also address the worldwide increase in militarization, focusing on the EU’s external borders.
Together Against Oppression
The fight against all forms of oppression is inseparable from anarchist theory and practice. In our track "Together Against Oppression", you can expect various formats addressing struggles against patriarchy, racism, ableism, and oppression-induced violence. Together, we will learn about different forms of oppression and discuss strategies to combat them.
Climate Justice
The dangers of the climate crisis and the associated social injustices are becoming more urgent by the day. At the same time, we are aware that many of the systemic causes of these issues cannot be resolved within capitalist and colonialist systems. But how do we deal with this contradiction? We will address these and other questions in our Climate Justice track. In addition to introductory talks on the current situation, we will discuss anarchist strategies in the fight for climate justice, commons as alternative forms of managing resources, and anarchist perspectives on the climate justice movement’s shift towards labor issues.
Class Struggles
Anarchism means class struggle! In our Class Struggles track, we will begin with a workshop asking, "What are classes, actually?" and then explore how the anarchist movement can break out of its niche and reach the broader working class, the potential of strategic wage labor, and how anarchist labor union struggles can function.